how to write a winning grant proposal

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General Context

Most scientists find their own funding by applying for grants. Obtaining such a grant is not simple: the success rate is low and writing a proposal takes a lot of time and effort. Obtaining a competitive grant in life sciences requires you to formulate a bold  biological question, to write down your ideas in a structured and clear manner, to build a strong research plan, and cope with deadlines. This is where this course comes in.

This course focuses on finishing PhD students and post-doctoral researchers who plan to submit a funding application within the next 12 months. Participants will gain many insights into all the above aspects of grant writing.


The key mission of this course is two-fold. First, emphasis will be put on writing a strong abstract. This includes individual guidance and feedback on abstracts written by the participants. Second, we will learn how to compile an excellent CV. In addition to these key components, all other aspects of a grant application will be discussed: objectives, state-of-the-art work packages, and methodology, along with the evaluation criteria that are used to assess them. Finally, the applicants put on reviewers’ glasses and learn to find the strengths and weaknesses via unique hands-on exercises with real VIB grant applications.

So, starting with limited experience in grant writing, at the end of the course participants will understand the basic principles for writing (international) competitive individual grant proposals based on criteria for excellence. They should feel confident to write their own grant application.


  • Webinar during which the basic principles of competitive grant writing are introduced.
  • E-learning exercises that provide insight into MSCA individual fellowships based on real VIB examples and their evaluation summaries.
  • Opportunity to ask your burning questions regarding grant writing.
  • Personal feedback on your CV and abstract.

Please keep in mind

The training is based on real examples, with approval to use them in a confidential matter.
Examples should not be further distributed to people who did not attend the course!


Lieve Ongena

Elien Vandermarliere

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