Sample prep

Although each platform has its own protocol for freezing and sectioning samples, our scientists in Gent swear by using the protocol from Resolve (also when they are going to use other platforms).  We add the sample prep protocols of the other platforms in each of the topics below (sometimes extra steps are required), but we […]

Concepts and Basic commands in Linux

image form Get yourself comfortable and start this adventure!Here you will learn some concepts, vocabulary and, OF COURSE, bash commands so you can start to feel comfortable with the basics.

Sequencing platforms

In this course we focus on data generated by the single cell sequencing platform from 10X genomics, since this is the most used platform inside VIB. However, the Single Cell Core also provides access to plate-based platforms:

Cell Hashing

Contributors to the code: Jana Roels, Kevin Verstaen Tutorial for this topic R markdown file for this topic Simple R script for this topic HTO count matrix for this topic UMI count matrix for this topic