Run from sandbox container or remotely

Environment control

singularity shell -e fastqc-0.11.9--0.sif

singularity run -e fastqc-0.11.9--0.sif

singularity exec -e fastqc-0.11.9--0.sif fastqc

Compare env command with and without -e modifier.

singularity exec fastqc-0.11.9--0.sif env
singularity exec -e fastqc-0.11.9--0.sif env

Execute from sandboxed images / directories

singularity build --sandbox ./sandbox docker://ubuntu:18.04
singularity exec ./sandbox ls -l /etc/myetc.conf
# We can see file created in the directory before
singularity exec ./sandbox bash -c 'apt-get update && apt-get install python'
# We cannot install python
sudo singularity exec --writable ./sandbox bash -c 'apt-get update && apt-get install python'
# We needed to add writable parameter

Run straight from registry

singularity exec docker://ncbi/blast:2.10.1 blastp -version