Go where you need in your Linux terminal

Now that you can understand how paths are represented and how to see what is inside of your working directory, you can also learn how to move in and out directories.

You can move between directories using the cd (change directory) command. You can use cd path/to/directory_name to move inside of an specific directory if you know the way. Or you can change directories one-by-one by using cd path then cd to then cd directory_name.

The folder called .. is a magic folder that leads to the parent folder (1 higher in the hierarchy). So, the command cd .. takes you one directory upwards and can be chained together to go several directories upwards, for example cd ../../.. this will move you 3 directories towards the top.

1 – Click to do exercise in a controlled environment before practicing quiz:
LinuxSurvival (print working directory)

2 – Practicing a bit more in your own computer:
Open replit, you already know your current path! Now:

a) – enter the Documents directory, check the absolute path of the current directory and list what is inside this directory.
b) – enter the Fotos directory, check the absolute path of the current directory and list what is inside this directory.
c) – enter the Recipies directory, check the absolute path of the current directory and list what is inside this directory.