Taking a shortcut

You have learned that every file on a Linux system has one location that can be represented by the path, e.g. home/demo/file.txt specifies that the file.txt is located in the folder demo in your home folder.

You can create a shortcut to a file or a folder to make them easier to access. Typically this is done by creating a so called soft or symbolic link. A soft link is a special file that points to the file you want to have a shortcut for. To create a soft link you use the ln -s (link -symbolic) command:
ln -s original/path/to/file.txt shortcut

To remove a soft link you can either use the unlink or rm command:
rm shortcut
unlink shortcut

1 – Practice a bit more on your own computer:
Open Replit, go to folder Salad, and create a symbolic link for the Caesar salad recipe.