1. Preparing a DMP
2. Documenting and Organizing Data
3. Storing Data and Data Security
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Cases on How to Make Personal Data Accessible

Case 1: YOUth Cohort Study

YOUth is a large-scale, long-term cohort study. YOUth follows children from before birth until the age of 18. YOUth scientists are not allowed to share YOUth data with other scientists or joumals either publicly or privately themselves. All data requests are evaluated on eligibility criteria by an ethical committee. If granted, the data is given out with a unique pseudonymisation code by a data manager, to prevent data coupling with data from other requests. A specific Data Transfer Agreement (DTA) needs to be signed by the requesting party, which states the limitations towards purpose, storage, and access. The participants are asked to sign a consent form.

Case 2: Wings

Wings, a GAP project, seeks to optimize the ICT infrastructure required to support and enable Whole Genome Sequencing. Its aim is to bridge the gap between the low cost of sequencing and the high cost of analysis to enable widespread clinical use of WGS.